Instructions for presenters
To ensure the smooth functioning of the CECE 2025 conference, please take note of the following important instructions:
Review the Program: Please check the program (click here) and confirm the day and time of your session.
Upload Your Presentation: During the tea or lunch break before your session, please check in at your session room and upload your presentation onto the Lectern PC using your USB drive. Our student volunteers will be available to assist with this process.
Use the Lectern PC: All presentations must be made using the Lectern PC to avoid delays. Please ensure your slides are uploaded ahead of time.
Presentation Timing:
Regular and invited speakers are allocated 15 minutes (12 minutes for the presentation + 3 minutes for Q&A).
Keynote speakers have 20 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A).
Giving Your Presentation: Use the Lectern PC to share your screen, and we encourage you to use the laser pointer during your talk.
Time Management: Please adhere to your allocated time, including Q&A. A volunteer will give you a 2-minute warning before your time ends.
To ensure the smooth functioning of the CECE 2025 conference, please take note of the following important instructions:
Create and Print Your Poster
Successful posters are visually engaging, summarizing your research in a way that highlights key points. The presenter will elaborate on the details during the session and can complement the poster with a preview video. Avoid simply enlarging your manuscript, as this is not an effective poster format.
Your poster should include:
The paper title and all author names at the top.
A clear and logical sequence of a brief introduction, objectives, experimental details, conclusions, and references.
Captions and explanations for each graph, image, and table.
Size, Fonts, and Colours:
The maximum poster size is A0 (841mm x 1190mm or 33in x 47in), portrait layout.
Use legible fonts with these minimum sizes:
Title: 36-point font
Author list: 25-point font
Body text: 15-point font, double-spaced.
Choose high-contrast colours and avoid red-green combinations for colour-blind accessibility.
Print a high-resolution copy for the presentation, adhering to the size limit (84cm x 119cm).

Thank you for agreeing to chair a session at CECE 2025. Below is some guidance to help ensure the sessions run smoothly:
Review the Program: Please refer to the program (click here) and confirm the date and time of your session.
Arrive Early: Be present at your session at least 15 minutes beforehand to coordinate with your co-chair and the student volunteer.
Check Speaker Presence: Before the session begins, ensure that all speakers are in the room and have uploaded their presentations.
Equipment Check: Confirm that a laser pointer is available in the room.
Speaker Introductions: A printed copy of the session program will be available in the room and at the entrance. Introduce each speaker by name, affiliation, talk title, and their category (such as student or Early Career Researcher). Lengthy introductions are not necessary.
Token/Gift for Speakers: Please ensure you collect the token or gift for plenary, keynote, or invited speakers from the student volunteer or staff member to present at the end of the talk.
Time Allocation:
20 minutes for Keynote Speakers (15 minutes for the talk, 5 minutes for Q&A)
15 minutes for Invited and Regular Speakers (12 minutes for the talk, 3 minutes for Q&A)
Student/ECR Speaker Evaluation: You will receive a marking sheet to rate student and ECR (Early Career Researcher) speakers. The top two will be awarded the Best Oral Award and the Highly Recommended Oral Award.
Time Management: Ensure that speakers stick to their allotted time. Give a 2-minute warning as their time comes to a close.
Q&A Assistance: The co-chair or student volunteer will assist by passing the microphone to those asking questions.
Closing: Present the token to plenary, keynote, or invited speakers after the Q&A session concludes.